The production of the stage set for "L'Orfeo" for the Vienna State Opera, which premiered on 6 June 2022, was a real lesson in the interplay of all the trades in our decoration workshops.

The complex and small-scale elements demanded a precise interplay between the interdependent artistic and technical trades. The skilfully woven sculptures dominated the stage. Based on steel scaffolding, the tree bark was skilfully sculpted and then painted. Some of the elements, such as the oversized tree balls, were then illuminated. Cakes for Orfeo and Euridice's wedding table were created in two versions in the sculpture and upholstery departments: one decorated with flowers and appetisingly colourful, the other mouldy and musty black.

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Hendrik Nagel
ART for ART Theaterservice GmbH
Arsenal Objekt 19
1030 Wien
T +43 1 51444-7300